Post Table Read


Last night was probably one of the most surreal nights of my life. Ten actors gathered around a table sardine style to read my screenplay out loud and on camera. The incredible efforts they put in to bring it to life are more than I could have hoped for in this lifetime. I just wish […]


Cryptic details.

2010.02.17 | Random

I don’t speak much about myself on this blog because I try to keep my writing life and my personal life separate. I’m not famous, so who the F cares. I feel like opening up. Someone on twitter recently asked: “If you could travel through space-time to any location or time, where/when & why?”. This […]


The Next Stage of Evolution

2010.02.10 | Screenwriting

So. Here you are. You’re sitting with an option, and an interested producer and you’ve made a ton of changes to please the powers that be. Your script feels ready to send out to actors for casting and attachments. But is your script really ready? How would you know? You’ve only heard it in your […]


Day Jobs

2010.01.29 | Screenwriting

I have this vision of answering the age old question: “What do you do for a living?” with the answer “I’m a screenwriter” and actually mean it. By definition I am, but right now as I pay my dues, put in the sweat equity, and bow down to the man, I’m still working a day […]


Setting the Mood

2009.11.21 | Screenwriting

Which camp do you belong in? Do you listen to music or television when you’re writing or do you demand ultimate silence? I myself find a happy medium between the two. When composing a story or outline for the first time, I almost always grab inspirational music that echoes either a character’s personality or the […]


It’s okay to be cheesy.

2009.09.19 | Uncategorized

Ah, the smooth sounds of Careless Whisper…yes by George Michaels, but wait, there are no words and I feel as if I’ve just taken a valium. We’ve all been stuck in an elevator with Musak playing in the background. It’s popular to hate this easy going style of music, but I offer up reason to […]


Things I won’t write about.

2009.09.15 | Random

You might think the first film genre I’d stay away from as a writer would be porn, but actually it’s science fiction.   Blasphemy you cry!  We need more great science fiction in the face of a world that changes on a dime and is constantly on the brink of cultural annihilation. I love science […]


Where to read and be read.

2009.09.14 | Screenwriting

You’ve written your first screenplay. Now what. Most likely you’ve handed your 150+ page epic to a trusted friend who isn’t in the industry. They’ll provide some grammar notes here and there, but all you’ll get in the way of feedback is a gentle pat on the back.  Fist pumps won’t improve your writing. You […]


Attitude Adjustment

2009.09.11 | Screenwriting

I don’t expect this entry to move mountains, but I do expect it to squeak a bit. One of the biggest challenges a new writer faces  is perception. How are you perceived as a person? Do people want to work with you?  Skill keeps you employed, but attitude and perception nails the job. You have […]


I smell the blood of a new screenwriter.

2009.09.10 | Screenwriting

If you came here for expert advice, I apologize ahead of time. I myself am a “new” writer entering a new era in which my day job is being phased out in favor of writing full time and I may not be able to answer all of your burning questions. I thought it was important […]

