6 months in and it still kinda sucks.
Where I live, it’s a mess. And I can’t live in a mess, so what do I do? I try to clean it up. Everywhere I go I see furniture on the street, monitors broken on the sidewalk, and painted tags by people who think the world revolves around warfare. Well I’m done with it. I spent a good two months calling in refuse and potholes and it’s like a lizard tail here. Remove one sofa from the sidewalk and another appears in its place.
Once I realized that most of the people in this neighborhood are apathetic towards their surroundings, I gave up. You can’t fix apathy without a major campaign and let’s face it, I spend every waking moment raking in the pennies to pay the rent. I don’t have time to take that crown, however if there were a job description entitled: Neighborhood Kick Ass Queen, I might take it for 5 figures.
So Koreatown, you can suck it hard. I hate you and your dirty streets. And while I won’t add to the destruction, I will casually walk by and laugh inside my head at the idiot who thinks leaving their dog’s crap on the sidewalk is okay. Feh! to you sir or madam, you have been branded with a giant L on your forehead.
I’m stuck here for the time being in this hamster cage, a place I’ve come to love with a few exceptions, so it’s too bad I can’t lift this property off the ground and transplant it somewhere people give a shit about their surroundings. Forgive my language. I’m usually pretty reserved online, but I just can’t think of any other word that accurately describes this area of town. Shit + Hole = North Koreatown
Now don’t get up in my frill about how lovely and awesome this place is. From a shopping, restaurant and daily cavorting standpoint, it’s a decent place, but you’re thinking Wilshire Ave. Push the edge a little north why don’t yah, spend a month living here and you’ll know exactly what I mean. I don’t pass judgement without a reason.
Hey dumbass, why’d you pick it anyway?
Money people. Money. My apartment is cheap. I am poor. Do the math. I’m grateful I even have a place I can afford in this city without having to shack up with someone else. Don’t get me wrong.
Venting online makes it easier to live here. That’s all it is.
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