Feel Good Moment

2010.06.21 | Screenwriting

This week I participated in request for films to be included for Film Courage Interactive in Los Angeles and pushed with all my heart for the inclusion of an independent film currently without distribution.  Film Courage Interactive chose the film and it made me feel awesome to know I helped make that connection happen. I wish the filmmakers, Joseph and Andrew of  The Mother of Invention great success, because your film deserves it.

All of this was made possible by the Filmakers, Film Courage Interactive (Karen Worden and David Branin), Facebook and Youtube…oh and my meddling keyboard.  Without these social media constructs bridging the gap, the two might never have connected.

The internet brings filmmakers together like no other previous system could.

Giant studios are no longer the only road to success for filmmakers.

Filmmakers simply let the material stand up on its own in an arena judged by the user of the content…you.

Here’s a link to the EVENT itself, which includes interviews with the filmmakers after the screening!


Hey there Miss Porter, this is Joseph M. Petrick- the writer/co-director of The Mother of Invention and I just wanted to thank you personally (through the very impersonal internet) for passing our name along. Your support is very encouraging and as I’m sure you know, it’s so rare that a person go to bat for something that doesn’t directly profit them.

Basically I’m saying that if we were in Sophie’s Choice and you were one of our children, you’d be the one we picked. Just sayin’ you made our day. Thanks for that.

-Joseph M. Petrick

Joseph M. Petrick ( June 26, 2010 at 1:23 pm )

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