Spring Updates
Update #1

When Robert and Brenda met, they thought they had nothing in common... they were wrong.
I sold a short film entitled “Middle Ground” to a production company in Florida a year or so ago but with the bad economy and their current heavy schedule blocking out time to film my script has proved difficult. Last week they called to inform me they’ve moved into calendar mode and they’re finally blocking out time to film the short.
It’s exciting for me not only from the standpoint that at least one thing I’ve sold in the past year or so will ACTUALLY get produced, but I will also be able to lend a hand as a “co-director”. I would say the position is more like Associate or Assistant Director but as we know the AD is a totally different type of position all together and I won’t be fulfilling that role. The director is giving me the ability shape the story with my input and I’ll be attending the production shoot if my schedule permits. It’s pretty rare to let writers on the set to do anything other than consume craft services. Any time you are allowed on set (and you’re allowed to open your mouth) is a miracle so take what you can get.
More information as they approach casting mode. They have probably lost the previous actor they had attached because of the prolonged production schedule, but who knows, maybe they’ll find a spectacular replacement.
Update #2
A long awaited interview from a start up internet media company is still awaiting a time slot.
Update #3
Still waiting to hear back from an agency that has Dear Diary. They promised news at the end of the month, but I never hold my breath with these things.
As you can see, not much changes over the span of a few months. What do you do in the interim? Write. Simple as that. Keep working, which brings me to:
Update #4
I am currently working on a feature outline/treatment for a director to shop around. He’s been wanting to do a Western for quite some time and chose one of my four pitches to shop around to his A list contacts. Woot! Even if he doesn’t reach funding or the story somehow turns out to be something he doesn’t want to do, I’m excited to write in this genre. I’ll shop it around myself if he gets nowhere with it.
Always have a back up plan, people.
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